The CATHOLIC TRADITIONALIST MOVEMENT, literally grown "from the grassroots" as early as 1964, was publicly launched on March 15, 1965, by Father Gommar A. De Pauw, J.C.D., then a Professor of Theology and Canon Law, and Academic Dean at Mount St. Mary's Major Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, and theological advisor at the Second Vatican Council in Rome. Subsequently, and at the direction of Francis Cardinal Spellman, then the Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, the Movement was incorporated under the laws of the State of New York as a non-profit, educational organization "to provide the Catholic laity with all information necessary for the correct understanding and implementation of the Second Vatican Council's decisions in full conformity with the traditional doctrine and practices of the Roman Catholic Church."

Ever since 1968 when, as a result of erroneous interpretations and implementations of the Second Vatican Council's decisions, the centuries-old Sacrifice of the Mass became threatened with extinction, the C.T.M., as the Movement is commonly known, has concentrated its efforts on the maintaining of the completely unchanged Latin Roman Catholic Mass, sometimes called the "Tridentine" Mass, as ordered "in perpetuity" by St. Pope Pius V in l570:

"By this our decree, to be valid IN PERPETUITY, we determine and order that NEVER shall anything be added to, omitted from, or changed in this Missal...
At no time in the future can a priest, whether secular or order priest, ever be forced to use any other way of saying Mass. And so as to preclude once and for all any scruples of conscience and fear of ecclesiastical penalties and censures, we herewith declare that it is in virtue of our Apostolic Authority that we decree and determine that this our present order and decree is to last in PERPETUITY and can never be legally revoked or amended at a future date...And if anyone would nevertheless ever dare to attempt any action contrary to this order of ours, given for all times, let him know that he has incurred the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."

(Decree QUO PRIMUM, St Pius V, July 19, 1570).

Through a decision of the U.S. Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service, June 23, 1966, the C.T.M. was given tax-exempt status with the result that "contributions made to the CATHOLIC TRADITIONALIST MOVEMENT, INC. are deductible by donors as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers or gifts to or for the use of the C.T.M., Inc. are deductible for Federal estates and gift tax purposes under the provisions of Section 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the Code."